An Adaptive Statistical Non-uniform Quantizer for Detail Wavelet Components in Lossy JPEG2000 Image Compression

by   Madhur Srivastava, et al.

The paper presents a non-uniform quantization method for the Detail components in the JPEG2000 standard. Incorporating the fact that the coefficients lying towards the ends of the histogram plot of each Detail component represent the structural information of an image, the quantization step sizes become smaller at they approach the ends of the histogram plot. The variable quantization step sizes are determined by the actual statistics of the wavelet coefficients. Mean and standard deviation are the two statistical parameters used iteratively to obtain the variable step sizes. Moreover, the mean of the coefficients lying within the step size is chosen as the quantized value, contrary to the deadzone uniform quantizer which selects the midpoint of the quantization step size as the quantized value. The experimental results of the deadzone uniform quantizer and the proposed non-uniform quantizer are objectively compared by using Mean-Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Structural Similarity Index Measure (MSSIM), to evaluate the quantization error and reconstructed image quality, respectively. Subjective analysis of the reconstructed images is also carried out. Through the objective and subjective assessments, it is shown that the non-uniform quantizer performs better than the deadzone uniform quantizer in the perceptual quality of the reconstructed image, especially at low bitrates. More importantly, unlike the deadzone uniform quantizer, the non-uniform quantizer accomplishes better visual quality with a few quantized values.


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