An Efficient Software-Hardware Design Framework for Spiking Neural Network Systems

by   Khanh N. Dang, et al.

Spiking Neural Network (SNN) is the third generation of Neural Network (NN) mimicking the natural behavior of the brain. By processing based on binary input/output, SNNs offer lower complexity, higher density and lower power consumption. This work presents an efficient software-hardware design framework for developing SNN systems in hardware. In addition, a design of low-cost neurosynaptic core is presented based on packet-switching communication approach. The evaluation results show that the ANN to SNN conversion method with the size 784:1200:1200:10 performs 99 unsupervised STDP archives 89 connections. The design of 256-neurons and 65k synapses is also implemented in ASIC 45nm technology with an area cost of 0.205 m m^2.


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