An Optimized BBR for Multipath Real Time Video Streaming

by   Weimin Lei, et al.

The multipath transmission scheme can work as an effective way to provide better quality of experiments to end users. Two key research points in the multipath real time video transmission context are congestion control and packet scheduling. As Utility maximization theory shows, to provide better satisfaction to end users is to provide higher throughput and lower transmission delay. The congestion control is responsible to converge to the maximum available bandwidth and avoid leading the network into congestion. A delay response BBR (Delay-BBR) algorithm optimized for real time video transmission is proposed, and the main idea is to reduce sending rate when the link delay has exceeded certain threshold to let the intermediate routers drain the occupied buffer. It can achieve better transmission delay and lower packet loss rate compared with QUIC-BBR and WebRTC-BBR by experiment. And a packet scheduling algorithm induced from Utility maximization theory works on top of the congestion control algorithm is tested and achieves lower frame delivery delay further compared with benchmark algorithms.


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