AOP-Net: All-in-One Perception Network for Joint LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection and Panoptic Segmentation

by   Yixuan Xu, et al.

LiDAR-based 3D object detection and panoptic segmentation are two crucial tasks in the perception systems of autonomous vehicles and robots. In this paper, we propose All-in-One Perception Network (AOP-Net), a LiDAR-based multi-task framework that combines 3D object detection and panoptic segmentation. In this method, a dual-task 3D backbone is developed to extract both panoptic- and detection-level features from the input LiDAR point cloud. Also, a new 2D backbone that intertwines Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and convolution layers is designed to further improve the detection task performance. Finally, a novel module is proposed to guide the detection head by recovering useful features discarded during down-sampling operations in the 3D backbone. This module leverages estimated instance segmentation masks to recover detailed information from each candidate object. The AOP-Net achieves state-of-the-art performance for published works on the nuScenes benchmark for both 3D object detection and panoptic segmentation tasks. Also, experiments show that our method easily adapts to and significantly improves the performance of any BEV-based 3D object detection method.


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