ARTH: Algorithm For Reading Text Handily – An AI Aid for People having Word Processing Issues

by   Akanksha Malhotra, et al.

The objective of this project is to solve one of the major problems faced by the people having word processing issues like trauma, or mild mental disability. "ARTH" is the short form of Algorithm for Reading Handily. ARTH is a self-learning set of algorithms that is an intelligent way of fulfilling the need for "reading and understanding the text effortlessly" which adjusts according to the needs of every user. The research project propagates in two steps. In the first step, the algorithm tries to identify the difficult words present in the text based on two features – the number of syllables and usage frequency – using a clustering algorithm. After the analysis of the clusters, the algorithm labels these clusters, according to their difficulty level. In the second step, the algorithm interacts with the user. It aims to test the user's comprehensibility of the text and his/her vocabulary level by taking an automatically generated quiz. The algorithm identifies the clusters which are difficult for the user, based on the result of the analysis. The meaning of perceived difficult words is displayed next to them. The technology "ARTH" focuses on the revival of the joy of reading among those people, who have a poor vocabulary or any word processing issues.


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