Aurora Guard: Real-Time Face Anti-Spoofing via Light Reflection
In this paper, we propose a light reflection based face anti-spoofing method named Aurora Guard (AG), which is fast, simple yet effective that has already been deployed in real-world systems serving for millions of users. Specifically, our method first extracts the normal cues via light reflection analysis, and then uses an end-to-end trainable multi-task Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to not only recover subjects' depth maps to assist liveness classification, but also provide the light CAPTCHA checking mechanism in the regression branch to further improve the system reliability. Moreover, we further collect a large-scale dataset containing 12,000 live and spoofing samples, which covers abundant imaging qualities and Presentation Attack Instruments (PAI). Extensive experiments on both public and our datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over the state of the arts.