Automatic Tag Recommendation for Painting Artworks Using Diachronic Descriptions
In this paper, we deal with the problem of automatic tag recommendation for painting artworks. Diachronic descriptions containing deviations on the vocabulary used to describe each painting usually occur when the work is done by many experts over time. The objective of this work is to provide a framework that produces a more accurate and homogeneous set of tags for each painting in a large collection. To validate our method we build a model based on a weakly-supervised neural network for over 5,300 paintings with hand-labeled descriptions made by experts for the paintings of the Brazilian painter Candido Portinari. This work takes place with the Portinari Project which started in 1979 intending to recover and catalog the paintings of the Brazilian painter. The Portinari paintings at that time were in private collections and museums spread around the world and thus inaccessible to the public. The descriptions of each painting were made by a large number of collaborators over 40 years as the paintings were recovered and these diachronic descriptions caused deviations on the vocabulary used to describe each painting. Our proposed framework consists of (i) a neural network that receives as input the image of each painting and uses frequent itemsets as possible tags, and (ii) a clustering step in which we group related tags based on the output of the pre-trained classifiers.