Batch Size Influence on Performance of Graphic and Tensor Processing Units during Training and Inference Phases

by   Yuriy Kochura, et al.

The impact of the maximally possible batch size (for the better runtime) on performance of graphic processing units (GPU) and tensor processing units (TPU) during training and inference phases is investigated. The numerous runs of the selected deep neural network (DNN) were performed on the standard MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets. The significant speedup was obtained even for extremely low-scale usage of Google TPUv2 units (8 cores only) in comparison to the quite powerful GPU NVIDIA Tesla K80 card with the speedup up to 10x for training stage (without taking into account the overheads) and speedup up to 2x for prediction stage (with and without taking into account overheads). The precise speedup values depend on the utilization level of TPUv2 units and increase with the increase of the data volume under processing, but for the datasets used in this work (MNIST and Fashion-MNIST with images of sizes 28x28) the speedup was observed for batch sizes >512 images for training phase and >40 000 images for prediction phase. It should be noted that these results were obtained without detriment to the prediction accuracy and loss that were equal for both GPU and TPU runs up to the 3rd significant digit for MNIST dataset, and up to the 2nd significant digit for Fashion-MNIST dataset.


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