Beyond Backprop: Alternating Minimization with co-Activation Memory

by   Anna Choromanska, et al.

We propose a novel online algorithm for training deep feedforward neural networks that employs alternating minimization (block-coordinate descent) between the weights and activation variables. It extends off-line alternating minimization approaches to online, continual learning, and improves over stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with backpropagation in several ways: it avoids the vanishing gradient issue, it allows for non-differentiable nonlinearities, and it permits parallel weight updates across the layers. Unlike SGD, our approach employs co-activation memory inspired by the online sparse coding algorithm of [Mairal et al, 2009]. Furthermore, local iterative optimization with explicit activation updates is a potentially more biologically plausible learning mechanism than backpropagation. We provide theoretical convergence analysis and promising empirical results on several datasets.


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