Beyond χ^2 Difference: Learning Optimal Metric for Boundary Detection

by   Fei He, et al.

This letter focuses on solving the challenging problem of detecting natural image boundaries. A boundary usually refers to the border between two regions with different semantic meanings. Therefore, a measurement of dissimilarity between image regions plays a pivotal role in boundary detection of natural images. To improve the performance of boundary detection, a Learning-based Boundary Metric (LBM) is proposed to replace χ^2 difference adopted by the classical algorithm mPb. Compared with χ^2 difference, LBM is composed of a single layer neural network and an RBF kernel, and is fine-tuned by supervised learning rather than human-crafted. It is more effective in describing the dissimilarity between natural image regions while tolerating large variance of image data. After substituting χ^2 difference with LBM, the F-measure metric of mPb on the BSDS500 benchmark is increased from 0.69 to 0.71. Moreover, when image features are computed on a single scale, the proposed LBM algorithm still achieves competitive results compared with mPb, which makes use of multi-scale image features.


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