Calculation of oblate spheroidal wave functions with complex argument

by   Arnie L. Van Buren, et al.

A previous article showed that alternative expressions for calculating oblate spheroidal radial functions of both kinds can provide accurate values over very large parameter ranges using double precision arithmetic, even where the traditional expressions fail. The size parameter c was assumed real. This paper considers the case where c = cr + ici is complex with an imaginary part ci often used to represent losses in wave behavior. The methods for c real modified to complex arithmetic work reasonably well as long as ci is very small. This paper describes the substantial changes necessary to obtain useful results for larger values of ci. It shows that accurate eigenvalues can usually be obtained even though the matrix methods used to obtain them for c real provide increasingly inaccurate values, primarily for those with relatively small magnitude, as ci increases. It also shows that some of the eigenvalues can be prolate-like with values that are well approximated using asymptotic estimates for prolate eigenvalues where c is replaced with -ic. A method to order the eigenvalues is presented. The modifications necessary to compute accurately the radial and angular functions for complex c are discussed. A resulting Fortran program coblfcn provides useful function values for a reasonably wide range of c, the order m, and the radial coordinate when using double precision arithmetic. The results can be improved by using quadruple precision for the Bouwkamp procedure to ensure accurate double precision eigenvalues. Further improvement is obtained using full quadruple precision. Coblfcn is freely available at


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