Central H-spaces and banded types

by   Ulrik Buchholtz, et al.

We introduce and study central types, which are generalizations of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces. A type is central when it is equivalent to the component of the identity among its own self-equivalences. From centrality alone we construct an infinite delooping in terms of a tensor product of banded types, which are the appropriate notion of torsor for a central type. Our constructions are carried out in homotopy type theory, and therefore hold in any ∞-topos. Even when interpreted into the ∞-topos of spaces, our main results and constructions are new. Along the way, we further develop the theory of H-spaces in homotopy type theory, including their relation to evaluation fibrations and Whitehead products. These considerations let us, for example, rule out the existence of H-space structures on the 2n-sphere for n > 0. We also give a novel description of the moduli space of H-space structures on an H-space. Using this description, we generalize a formula of Arkowitz-Curjel and Copeland for counting the number of path components of this moduli space. As an application, we deduce that the moduli space of H-space structures on the 3-sphere is Ω^6 𝕊^3.


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