Characterizing and Optimizing End-to-End Systems for Private Inference

by   Karthik Garimella, et al.

Increasing privacy concerns have given rise to Private Inference (PI). In PI, both the client's personal data and the service provider's trained model are kept confidential. State-of-the-art PI protocols combine several cryptographic primitives: Homomorphic Encryption (HE), Secret Sharing (SS), Garbled Circuits (GC), and Oblivious Transfer (OT). Today, PI remains largely arcane and too slow for practical use, despite the need and recent performance improvements. This paper addresses PI's shortcomings with a detailed characterization of a standard high-performance protocol to build foundational knowledge and intuition in the systems community. The characterization pinpoints all sources of inefficiency – compute, communication, and storage. A notable aspect of this work is the use of inference request arrival rates rather than studying individual inferences in isolation. Prior to this work, and without considering arrival rate, it has been assumed that PI pre-computations can be handled offline and their overheads ignored. We show this is not the case. The offline costs in PI are so high that they are often incurred online, as there is insufficient downtime to hide pre-compute latency. We further propose three optimizations to address the computation (layer-parallel HE), communication (wireless slot allocation), and storage (Client-Garbler) overheads leveraging insights from our characterization. Compared to the state-of-the-art PI protocol, the optimizations provide a total PI speedup of 1.8×, with the ability to sustain inference requests up to a 2.24× greater rate.


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