Cluster structure of optimal solutions in bipartitioning of small worlds

by   Adam Lipowski, et al.

Using a simulated annealing, we examine a bipartitioning of small worlds obtained by adding a fraction of randomly chosen links to a one-dimensional chain or a square lattice. Models defined on small worlds typically exhibit a mean-field behaviour, regardless of the underlying lattice. Our work demonstrates that the bipartitioning of small worlds does depend on the underlying lattice. Simulations show that for one-dimensional small worlds, optimal partitions are finite size clusters for any fraction of additional links. In the two-dimensional case, we observe two regimes: when the fraction of additional links is sufficiently small, the optimal partitions have a stripe-like shape, which is lost for larger number of additional links as optimal partitions become disordered. Some arguments, which interpret additional links as thermal excitations and refer to the thermodynamics of Ising models, suggest a qualitatitve explanation of such a behaviour. The histogram of overlaps suggests that a replica symmetry is broken in a one-dimensional small world. In the two-dimensional case, the replica symmetry seems to hold but with some additional degeneracy of stripe-like partitions.


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