Compositional Semantics of Finite Petri Nets

by   Roberto Gorrieri, et al.

Structure-preserving bisimilarity is a truly concurrent behavioral equivalence for finite Petri nets, which relates markings (of the same size only) generating the same causal nets, hence also the same partial orders of events. The process algebra FNM truly represents all (and only) the finite Petri nets, up to isomorphism. We prove that structure-preserving bisimilarity is a congruence w.r.t. the FMN operators, In this way, we have defined a compositional semantics, fully respecting causality and the branching structure of systems, for the class of all the finite Petri nets. Moreover, we study some algebraic properties of structure-preserving bisimilarity, that are at the base of a sound (but incomplete) axiomatization over FNM process terms.


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