Computing Crisp Bisimulations for Fuzzy Structures

by   Linh Anh Nguyen, et al.

Fuzzy structures such as fuzzy automata, fuzzy transition systems, weighted social networks and fuzzy interpretations in fuzzy description logics have been widely studied. For such structures, bisimulation is a natural notion for characterizing indiscernibility between states or individuals. There are two kinds of bisimulations for fuzzy structures: crisp bisimulations and fuzzy bisimulations. While the latter fits to the fuzzy paradigm, the former has also attracted attention due to the application of crisp equivalence relations, for example, in minimizing structures. Bisimulations can be formulated for fuzzy labeled graphs and then adapted to other fuzzy structures. In this article, we present an efficient algorithm for computing the partition corresponding to the largest crisp bisimulation of a given finite fuzzy labeled graph. Its complexity is of order O((mlogl + n)logn), where n, m and l are the number of vertices, the number of nonzero edges and the number of different fuzzy degrees of edges of the input graph, respectively. We also study a similar problem for the setting with counting successors, which corresponds to the case with qualified number restrictions in description logics and graded modalities in modal logics. In particular, we provide an efficient algorithm with the complexity O((mlogm + n)logn) for the considered problem in that setting.


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