Consensus-based Distributed Quickest Detection of Attacks with Unknown Parameters

by   Jiangfan Zhang, et al.

Sequential attack detection in a distributed estimation system is considered, where each sensor successively produces one-bit quantized samples of a desired deterministic scalar parameter corrupted by additive noise. The unknown parameters in the pre-attack and post-attack models, namely the desired parameter to be estimated and the injected malicious data at the attacked sensors pose a significant challenge for designing a computationally efficient scheme for each sensor to detect the occurrence of attacks by only using local communication with neighboring sensors. The generalized Cumulative Sum (GCUSUM) algorithm is considered, which replaces the unknown parameters with their maximum likelihood estimates in the CUSUM test statistic. For the problem under consideration, a sufficient condition is provided under which the expected false alarm period of the GCUSUM can be guaranteed to be larger than any given value. Next, we consider the distributed implementation of the GCUSUM. We first propose an alternative test statistic which is asymptotically equivalent to that of GCUSUM. Then based on the proposed alternative test statistic and running consensus algorithms, we propose a distributed approximate GCUSUM algorithm which significantly reduce the prohibitively high computational complexity of the centralized GCUSUM. Numerical results show that the approximate GCUSUM algorithm can provide a performance that is comparable to the centralized GCUSUM.


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