Cross-contextual use of integrated information systems

by   Jarulaitis Gasparas, et al.

Large-scale organizations are increasingly promoting more collaborative and collective work practices across organizational boarders. A predominant way to achieve better collaboration in large- scale heterogeneous contexts is to establish an integrated and standardized technological infrastructure. Ethnographically inspired studies, on the other hand, have challenged such perspective and illustrated that generic technology does not fit in local contexts and needs to be worked-around. Similarly, this paper empirically exemplifies local workarounds and illustrates ongoing and persistently imperfect integration of a collaborative infrastructure in a global oil and gas company. More importantly, however, our analysis focuses on how integrated technology is used across contexts. We illustrate how local workarounds, as a result of tight technological integration, shape use patterns across contexts. Integrated systems establish interdependencies across contexts, thus, the use implies cross-contextual rather than local enactment. Since the trajectory of enactment is influenced by cross-contextual constrains, our study is addressing the existing overemphasis on studying/analysing the use of technology in isolated local contexts. Practically, our study suggests considering workarounds as an intrinsic part of every day work, which should be calculated as additional costs of making the generic technology to work in practice.


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