Decentralize the feedback infrastructure!

by   Pedro García López, et al.

The decentralized architecture of Internet sparkled techno-utopian visions of a virtual freedom space for humanity. Peer-to-peer systems, collaborative creation (wikipedia), open source software (Linux), universal shared knowledge, and the hopes for disintermediation contributed to this major vision. However, the reality is bleak: centralization is reigning in the cyberspace, with huge technological corporations controlling our data, and re-intermediation and control are stronger than ever in the so-called "sharing" economy. The Internet is also fragmented by countries, with many states imposing heavy controls to information and communication services. The XXI century will witness the major clash between centralization and decentralization in human history. And the major struggle will be around the communication and feedback technologies that will intermediate and govern every interaction in our lives. Unlike previous approaches that propose to socialize the feedback infrastructure or to use anti-monopoly laws to break Big Tech companies, in this article we advocate for the decentralization of the information and communication infrastructure. And the key to this decentralization is the creation of standards enabling interoperability between data platforms. This will in turn produce a true disintermediation from well established technological players and open competition to small third parties. In this article, we sketch such a decentralized open infrastructure including communication, sharing, matchmaking, and reputation services that can be constructed over open source technologies and standards.


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