Deep Learning Radio Frequency Signal Classification with Hybrid Images

by   Hilal Elyousseph, et al.

In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) has been successfully applied to detect and classify Radio Frequency (RF) Signals. A DL approach is especially useful since it identifies the presence of a signal without needing full protocol information, and can also detect and/or classify non-communication waveforms, such as radar signals. In this work, we focus on the different pre-processing steps that can be used on the input training data, and test the results on a fixed DL architecture. While previous works have mostly focused exclusively on either time-domain or frequency domain approaches, we propose a hybrid image that takes advantage of both time and frequency domain information, and tackles the classification as a Computer Vision problem. Our initial results point out limitations to classical pre-processing approaches while also showing that it's possible to build a classifier that can leverage the strengths of multiple signal representations.


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