Differentially Flat Learning-based Model Predictive Control Using a Stability, State, and Input Constraining Safety Filter

by   Adam W. Hall, et al.

Learning-based optimal control algorithms control unknown systems using past trajectory data and a learned model of the system dynamics. These controllers use either a linear approximation of the learned dynamics, trading performance for faster computation, or nonlinear optimization methods, which typically perform better but can limit real-time applicability. In this work, we present a novel nonlinear controller that exploits differential flatness to achieve similar performance to state-of-the-art learning-based controllers but with significantly less computational effort. Differential flatness is a property of dynamical systems whereby nonlinear systems can be exactly linearized through a nonlinear input mapping. Here, the nonlinear transformation is learned as a Gaussian process and is used in a safety filter that guarantees, with high probability, stability as well as input and flat state constraint satisfaction. This safety filter is then used to refine inputs from a flat model predictive controller to perform constrained nonlinear learning-based optimal control through two successive convex optimizations. We compare our method to state-of-the-art learning-based control strategies and achieve similar performance, but with significantly better computational efficiency, while also respecting flat state and input constraints, and guaranteeing stability.


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