Digital Forensics for IoT and WSNs

by   Umit Karabiyik, et al.

In the last decade, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are proliferated in many domains including critical infrastructures such as energy, transportation and manufacturing. Consequently, most of the daily operations now rely on the data coming from wireless sensors or IoT devices and their actions. In addition, personal IoT devices are heavily used for social media applications, which connect people as well as all critical infrastructures to each other under the cyber domain. However, this connectedness also comes with the risk of increasing number of cyber attacks through WSNs and/or IoT. While a significant research has been dedicated to secure WSN/IoT, this still indicates that there needs to be forensics mechanisms to be able to conduct investigations and analysis. In particular, understanding what has happened after a failure is crucial to many businesses, which rely on WSN/IoT applications. Therefore, there is a great interest and need for understanding digital forensics applications in WSN and IoT realms. This chapter fills this gap by providing an overview and classification of digital forensics research and applications in these emerging domains in a comprehensive manner. In addition to analyzing the technical challenges, the chapter provides a survey of the existing efforts from the device level to network level while also pointing out future research opportunities.


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