Dispensing with Noise Forward in the "Weak" Relay-Eavesdropper Channel

by   Krishnamoorthy Iyer, et al.

The "weak" relay-eavesdropper channel was first studied by Lai and El Gamal, whose achievable scheme introduced noise forwarding (NF) and used backward decoding. We suggest a novel sliding window decoding scheme with a two block decoding delay, where the relay uses compress-forward with Wyner-Ziv (WZ) binning but does not use NF. Wireless engineers will welcome the reduced decoding delay. Sliding window decoding mandates multiblock equivocation calculations; dispensing with NF enables it. We identify nine regimes and develop a case-by-case choice of relay channel codebook and WZ bin sizes to maximize the secrecy rate. The multiblock equivocation calculations may be of independent interest.


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