Distilling Localization for Self-Supervised Representation Learning
For high-level visual recognition, self-supervised learning defines and makes use of proxy tasks such as colorization and visual tracking to learn a semantic representation useful for distinguishing objects. In this paper, through visualizing and diagnosing classification errors, we observe that current self-supervised models are ineffective at localizing the foreground object, limiting their ability to extract discriminative high-level features. To address this problem, we propose a data-driven approach for learning invariance to backgrounds. It first estimates foreground saliency in images and then creates augmentations by copy-and-pasting the foreground onto a variety of backgrounds. The learning follows an instance discrimination approach which encourages the features of augmentations from the same image to be similar. In this way, the representation is trained to disregard background content and focus on the foreground. We study a variety of saliency estimation methods, and find that most methods lead to improvements for self-supervised learning. With this approach, strong performance is achieved for self-supervised learning on ImageNet classification, and also for transfer learning to object detection on PASCAL VOC 2007.