Does it work outside this benchmark? Introducing the Rigid Depth Constructor tool, depth validation dataset construction in rigid scenes for the masses

by   Clément Pinard, et al.

We present a protocol to construct your own depth validation dataset for navigation. This protocol, called RDC for Rigid Depth Constructor, aims at being more accessible and cheaper than already existing techniques, requiring only a camera and a Lidar sensor to get started. We also develop a test suite to get insightful information from the evaluated algorithm. Finally, we take the example of UAV videos, on which we test two depth algorithms that were initially tested on KITTI and show that the drone context is dramatically different from in-car videos. This shows that a single context benchmark should not be considered reliable, and when developing a depth estimation algorithm, one should benchmark it on a dataset that best fits one's particular needs, which often means creating a brand new one. Along with this paper we provide the tool with an open source implementation and plan to make it as user-friendly as possible, to make depth dataset creation possible even for small teams. Our key contributions are the following: We propose a complete, open-source and almost fully automatic software application for creating validation datasets with densely annotated depth, adaptable to a wide variety of image, video and range data. It includes selection tools to adapt the dataset to specific validation needs, and conversion tools to other dataset formats. Using this application, we propose two new real datasets, outdoor and indoor, readily usable in UAV navigation context. Finally as examples, we show an evaluation of two depth prediction algorithms, using a collection of comprehensive (e.g. distribution based) metrics.


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