ElectroAR: Distributed Electro-tactile Stimulation for Tactile Transfer

by   Jonathan Tirado, et al.

We present ElectroAR, a visual and tactile sharing system for hand skills training. This system comprises a head-mounted display (HMD), two cameras, tactile sensing glove, and electro-stimulation glove. The trainee wears a tactile sensing glove that gets pressure data from touching different objects. His movements are recorded by two cameras, which are located in front and top side of the workspace. In the remote site, the trainer wears the electro-tactile stimulation glove. This glove transforms the remotely collected pressure data to electro-tactile stimuli. Additionally, the trainer wears an HMD to see and guide the movements of the trainee. The key part of this project is to combine distributed tactile sensor and electro-tactile display to let the trainer understand what the trainee is doing. Results show our system supports a higher user recognition performance.


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