EMDS-7: Environmental Microorganism Image Dataset Seventh Version for Multiple Object Detection Evaluation

by   Hechen Yang, et al.

The Environmental Microorganism Image Dataset Seventh Version (EMDS-7) is a microscopic image data set, including the original Environmental Microorganism images (EMs) and the corresponding object labeling files in ".XML" format file. The EMDS-7 data set consists of 41 types of EMs, which has a total of 2365 images and 13216 labeled objects. The EMDS-7 database mainly focuses on the object detection. In order to prove the effectiveness of EMDS-7, we select the most commonly used deep learning methods (Faster-RCNN, YOLOv3, YOLOv4, SSD and RetinaNet) and evaluation indices for testing and evaluation.


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