Enhancing Optimization Performance: A Novel Hybridization of Gaussian Crunching Search and Powell's Method for Derivative-Free Optimization

by   Benny Wong, et al.

This research paper presents a novel approach to enhance optimization performance through the hybridization of Gaussian Crunching Search (GCS) and Powell's Method for derivative-free optimization. While GCS has shown promise in overcoming challenges faced by traditional derivative-free optimization methods [1], it may not always excel in finding the local minimum. On the other hand, some traditional methods may have better performance in this regard. However, GCS demonstrates its strength in escaping the trap of local minima and approaching the global minima. Through experimentation, we discovered that by combining GCS with certain traditional derivative-free optimization methods, we can significantly boost performance while retaining the respective advantages of each method. This hybrid approach opens up new possibilities for optimizing complex systems and finding optimal solutions in a range of applications.


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