Ensembles of Random Sphere Cover Classifiers

by   Anthony Bagnall, et al.

We propose and evaluate alternative ensemble schemes for a new instance based learning classifier, the Randomised Sphere Cover (RSC) classifier. RSC fuses instances into spheres, then bases classification on distance to spheres rather than distance to instances. The randomised nature of RSC makes it ideal for use in ensembles. We propose two ensemble methods tailored to the RSC classifier; αβRSE, an ensemble based on instance resampling and αRSSE, a subspace ensemble. We compare αβRSE and αRSSE to tree based ensembles on a set of UCI datasets and demonstrates that RSC ensembles perform significantly better than some of these ensembles, and not significantly worse than the others. We demonstrate via a case study on six gene expression data sets that αRSSE can outperform other subspace ensemble methods on high dimensional data when used in conjunction with an attribute filter. Finally, we perform a set of Bias/Variance decomposition experiments to analyse the source of improvement in comparison to a base classifier.


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