ETH-tight algorithms for finding surfaces in simplicial complexes of bounded treewidth

by   Mitchell Black, et al.

Given a simplicial complex with n simplices, we consider the Connected Subsurface Recognition (c-SR) problem of finding a subcomplex that is homeomorphic to a given connected surface with a fixed boundary. We also study the related Sum-of-Genus Subsurface Recognition (SoG) problem, where we instead search for a surface whose boundary, number of connected components, and total genus are given. For both of these problems, we give parameterized algorithms with respect to the treewidth k of the Hasse diagram that run in 2^O(k log k)n^O(1) time. For the SoG problem, we also prove that our algorithm is optimal assuming the exponential-time hypothesis. In fact, we prove the stronger result that our algorithm is ETH-tight even without restriction on the total genus.


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