Evaluate Fine-tuning Strategies for Fetal Head Ultrasound Image Segmentation with U-Net

by   Fangyijie Wang, et al.

Fetal head segmentation is a crucial step in measuring the fetal head circumference (HC) during gestation, an important biometric in obstetrics for monitoring fetal growth. However, manual biometry generation is time-consuming and results in inconsistent accuracy. To address this issue, convolutional neural network (CNN) models have been utilized to improve the efficiency of medical biometry. But training a CNN network from scratch is a challenging task, we proposed a Transfer Learning (TL) method. Our approach involves fine-tuning (FT) a U-Net network with a lightweight MobileNet as the encoder to perform segmentation on a set of fetal head ultrasound (US) images with limited effort. This method addresses the challenges associated with training a CNN network from scratch. It suggests that our proposed FT strategy yields segmentation performance that is comparable when trained with a reduced number of parameters by 85.8 strategies with smaller trainable parameter sizes below 4.4 million. Thus, we contend that it can serve as a dependable FT approach for reducing the size of models in medical image analysis. Our key findings highlight the importance of the balance between model performance and size in developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications by TL methods. Code is available at https://github.com/13204942/FT_Methods_for_Fetal_Head_Segmentation.


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