Fair Chore Division under Binary Supermodular Costs

by   Siddharth Barman, et al.

We study the problem of dividing indivisible chores among agents whose costs (for the chores) are supermodular set functions with binary marginals. Such functions capture complementarity among chores, i.e., they constitute an expressive class wherein the marginal disutility of each chore is either one or zero, and the marginals increase with respect to supersets. In this setting, we study the broad landscape of finding fair and efficient chore allocations. In particular, we establish the existence of (i) EF1 and Pareto efficient chore allocations, (ii) MMS-fair and Pareto efficient allocations, and (iii) Lorenz dominating chore allocations. Furthermore, we develop polynomial-time algorithms–in the value oracle model–for computing the chore allocations for each of these fairness and efficiency criteria. Complementing these existential and algorithmic results, we show that in this chore division setting, the aforementioned fairness notions, namely EF1, MMS, and Lorenz domination are incomparable: an allocation that satisfies any one of these notions does not necessarily satisfy the others. Additionally, we study EFX chore division. In contrast to the above-mentioned positive results, we show that, for binary supermodular costs, Pareto efficient allocations that are even approximately EFX do not exist, for any arbitrarily small approximation constant. Focusing on EFX fairness alone, when the cost functions are identical we present an algorithm (Add-and-Fix) that computes an EFX allocation. For binary marginals, we show that Add-and-Fix runs in polynomial time.


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