Federated Deep Learning Meets Autonomous Vehicle Perception: Design and Verification
Realizing human-like perception is a challenge in open driving scenarios due to corner cases and visual occlusions. To gather knowledge of rare and occluded instances, federated learning empowered connected autonomous vehicle (FLCAV) has been proposed, which leverages vehicular networks to establish federated deep neural networks (DNNs) from distributed data captured by vehicles and road sensors. Without the need of data aggregation, FLCAV preserves privacy while reducing communication and annotation costs compared with conventional centralized learning. However, it is challenging to determine the network resources and road sensor poses for multi-stage training with multi-modal datasets in multi-variant scenarios. This article presents networking and training frameworks for FLCAV perception. Multi-layer graph resource allocation and vehicle-road pose contrastive methods are proposed to address the network management and sensor pose problems, respectively. We also develop CarlaFLCAV, a software platform that implements the above system and methods. Experimental results confirm the superiority of the proposed techniques compared with various benchmarks.