Fine Grained Classification of Personal Data Entities

by   Riddhiman Dasgupta, et al.

Entity Type Classification can be defined as the task of assigning category labels to entity mentions in documents. While neural networks have recently improved the classification of general entity mentions, pattern matching and other systems continue to be used for classifying personal data entities (e.g. classifying an organization as a media company or a government institution for GDPR, and HIPAA compliance). We propose a neural model to expand the class of personal data entities that can be classified at a fine grained level, using the output of existing pattern matching systems as additional contextual features. We introduce new resources, a personal data entities hierarchy with 134 types, and two datasets from the Wikipedia pages of elected representatives and Enron emails. We hope these resource will aid research in the area of personal data discovery, and to that effect, we provide baseline results on these datasets, and compare our method with state of the art models on OntoNotes dataset.


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