Formal analysis of HTM Spatial Pooler performance under predefined operation conditions
This paper introduces mathematical formalism for Spatial (SP) of Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) with a spacial consideration for its hardware implementation. Performance of HTM network and its ability to learn and adjust to a problem at hand is governed by a large set of parameters. Most of parameters are codependent which makes creating efficient HTM-based solutions challenging. It requires profound knowledge of the settings and their impact on the performance of system. Consequently, this paper introduced a set of formulas which are to facilitate the design process by enhancing tedious trial-and-error method with a tool for choosing initial parameters which enable quick learning convergence. This is especially important in hardware implementations which are constrained by the limited resources of a platform. The authors focused especially on a formalism of Spatial Pooler and derive at the formulas for quality and convergence of the model. This may be considered as recipes for designing efficient HTM models for given input patterns.