From Review to Rating: Exploring Dependency Measures for Text Classification

by   Samuel Cunningham-Nelson, et al.

Various text analysis techniques exist, which attempt to uncover unstructured information from text. In this work, we explore using statistical dependence measures for textual classification, representing text as word vectors. Student satisfaction scores on a 3-point scale and their free text comments written about university subjects are used as the dataset. We have compared two textual representations: a frequency word representation and term frequency relationship to word vectors, and found that word vectors provide a greater accuracy. However, these word vectors have a large number of features which aggravates the burden of computational complexity. Thus, we explored using a non-linear dependency measure for feature selection by maximizing the dependence between the text reviews and corresponding scores. Our quantitative and qualitative analysis on a student satisfaction dataset shows that our approach achieves comparable accuracy to the full feature vector, while being an order of magnitude faster in testing. These text analysis and feature reduction techniques can be used for other textual data applications such as sentiment analysis.


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