Geometric Deep Learning to Identify the Critical 3D Structural Features of the Optic Nerve Head for Glaucoma Diagnosis

by   Fabian A. Braeu, et al.

Purpose: The optic nerve head (ONH) undergoes complex and deep 3D morphological changes during the development and progression of glaucoma. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is the current gold standard to visualize and quantify these changes, however the resulting 3D deep-tissue information has not yet been fully exploited for the diagnosis and prognosis of glaucoma. To this end, we aimed: (1) To compare the performance of two relatively recent geometric deep learning techniques in diagnosing glaucoma from a single OCT scan of the ONH; and (2) To identify the 3D structural features of the ONH that are critical for the diagnosis of glaucoma. Methods: In this study, we included a total of 2,247 non-glaucoma and 2,259 glaucoma scans from 1,725 subjects. All subjects had their ONHs imaged in 3D with Spectralis OCT. All OCT scans were automatically segmented using deep learning to identify major neural and connective tissues. Each ONH was then represented as a 3D point cloud. We used PointNet and dynamic graph convolutional neural network (DGCNN) to diagnose glaucoma from such 3D ONH point clouds and to identify the critical 3D structural features of the ONH for glaucoma diagnosis. Results: Both the DGCNN (AUC: 0.97±0.01) and PointNet (AUC: 0.95±0.02) were able to accurately detect glaucoma from 3D ONH point clouds. The critical points formed an hourglass pattern with most of them located in the inferior and superior quadrant of the ONH. Discussion: The diagnostic accuracy of both geometric deep learning approaches was excellent. Moreover, we were able to identify the critical 3D structural features of the ONH for glaucoma diagnosis that tremendously improved the transparency and interpretability of our method. Consequently, our approach may have strong potential to be used in clinical applications for the diagnosis and prognosis of a wide range of ophthalmic disorders.


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