Homophily-enhanced Structure Learning for Graph Clustering

by   Ming Gu, et al.

Graph clustering is a fundamental task in graph analysis, and recent advances in utilizing graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown impressive results. Despite the success of existing GNN-based graph clustering methods, they often overlook the quality of graph structure, which is inherent in real-world graphs due to their sparse and multifarious nature, leading to subpar performance. Graph structure learning allows refining the input graph by adding missing links and removing spurious connections. However, previous endeavors in graph structure learning have predominantly centered around supervised settings, and cannot be directly applied to our specific clustering tasks due to the absence of ground-truth labels. To bridge the gap, we propose a novel method called homophily-enhanced structure learning for graph clustering (HoLe). Our motivation stems from the observation that subtly enhancing the degree of homophily within the graph structure can significantly improve GNNs and clustering outcomes. To realize this objective, we develop two clustering-oriented structure learning modules, i.e., hierarchical correlation estimation and cluster-aware sparsification. The former module enables a more accurate estimation of pairwise node relationships by leveraging guidance from latent and clustering spaces, while the latter one generates a sparsified structure based on the similarity matrix and clustering assignments. Additionally, we devise a joint optimization approach alternating between training the homophily-enhanced structure learning and GNN-based clustering, thereby enforcing their reciprocal effects. Extensive experiments on seven benchmark datasets of various types and scales, across a range of clustering metrics, demonstrate the superiority of HoLe against state-of-the-art baselines.


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