Human Identity-Preserved Motion Retargeting in Video Synthesis by Feature Disentanglement

by   Jingzhe Ma, et al.

Most motion retargeting methods in human action video synthesis decompose the input video to motion (dynamic information) and shape (static information). However, we observe if the dynamic information is directly transferred to another subject, it will result in unnatural synthesised motion. This phenomenon is mainly caused by neglecting subject-dependent information in motion. To solve the problem, we propose a novel motion retargeting method which can combine both subject-independent (common motion content) information from a source video and subject-dependent (individualized identity motion) information from a target video. So it can synthesize videos with a much natural appearance along with identity-preserved motion. In the proposed method two encoders are employed to extract identity and motion content representations respectively. We employ the adaptive instance normalization (AdaIN) layer in the generator and the instance normalization (IN) layer in the motion content encoder to synthesize the new motion. Besides, we also collected a dataset, named Chuang101, with 101 subjects in total. Each subject performs identical dancing movement, and so it is convenient for feature disentanglement among motion and identity of each subject. Furthermore, an efficient quantitative metric for identify information is designed by gait recognition. The experiments show the proposed method can synthesize videos more naturally when the subject's identity is preserved.


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