Hybrid Numerical Modeling of Ballistic Clay under Low-Speed Impact using Artificial Neural Networks

by   YeonSu Kim, et al.

Roma Plastilina No. 1 clay has been widely used as a conservative boundary condition in bulletproof vests, namely to play the role of a human body. Interestingly, the effect of this boundary condition on the ballistic performance of the vests is indiscernible. Moreover, back face deformation should be characterized by measuring the indentation in the deformed clay, which is important for determining the lethality of gunshots. Therefore, several studies have focused on modeling not only bulletproof vests but also the clay backing material. Despite various attempts to develop a suitable numerical model, determining the appropriate physical parameters that can capture the high-strain-rate behavior of clay is still challenging. In this study, we predicted indentation depth in clay using an artificial neural network (ANN) and determined the optimal material parameters required for a finite element method (FEM)-based model using an inverse tracking method. Our ANN-FEM hybrid model successfully optimized high-strain-rate material parameters without the need for any independent mechanical tests. The proposed novel model achieved a high prediction accuracy of over 98 cases.


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