Hybrid Wired-Wireless Backhaul Solutions for Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks

by   Onel L. A. López, et al.

Wireless networks are becoming extremely pervasive while traffic demand is ever increasing. In order to cope with the forecast increase in traffic volume for the upcoming years, as well as the number of connected devices, new technologies, practices and spectrum rearrangements are required. In this context, a key question arises: how to provide extensive backhaul connectivity and capacity for pervasive ultra dense networks? The answer is rather complex, if feasible. To shed some light into this issue we overview potential technologies, either wired or wireless, and identify technical challenges. Moreover, we evaluate an illustrative scenario of a ultra-dense network that operates with hybrid wired-wireless backhaul. We assume multiple radio access technologies at small and macro base stations (BSs), and we discuss optimal traffic splitting and routing solutions for different topologies and traffic profiles.


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