Image-Based Benchmarking and Visualization for Large-Scale Global Optimization

by   Kyle Robert Harrison, et al.

In the context of optimization, visualization techniques can be useful for understanding the behaviour of optimization algorithms and can even provide a means to facilitate human interaction with an optimizer. Towards this goal, an image-based visualization framework, without dimension reduction, that visualizes the solutions to large-scale global optimization problems as images is proposed. In the proposed framework, the pixels visualize decision variables while the entire image represents the overall solution quality. This framework affords a number of benefits over existing visualization techniques including enhanced scalability (in terms of the number of decision variables), facilitation of standard image processing techniques, providing nearly infinite benchmark cases, and explicit alignment with human perception. Furthermore, image-based visualization can be used to visualize the optimization process in real-time, thereby allowing the user to ascertain characteristics of the search process as it is progressing. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first realization of a dimension-preserving, scalable visualization framework that embeds the inherent relationship between decision space and objective space. The proposed framework is utilized with 10 different mapping schemes on an image-reconstruction problem that encompass continuous, discrete, binary, combinatorial, constrained, dynamic, and multi-objective optimization. The proposed framework is then demonstrated on arbitrary benchmark problems with known optima. Experimental results elucidate the flexibility and demonstrate how valuable information about the search process can be gathered via the proposed visualization framework.


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