IMplicit-EXplicit Formulations for Discontinuous Galerkin Non-Hydrostatic Atmospheric Models
This work presents IMplicit-EXplicit (IMEX) formulations for discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretizations of the compressible Euler equations governing non-hydrostatic atmospheric flows. In particular, we show two different IMEX formulations that not only treat the stiffness due to the governing dynamics but also the domain discretization. We present these formulations for two different equation sets typically employed in atmospheric modeling. For both equation sets, efficient Schur complements are derived and the challenges and remedies for deriving them are discussed. The performance of these IMEX formulations of different orders are investigated on both 2D (box) and 3D (sphere) test problems and shown to achieve their theoretical rates of convergence and their efficiency with respect to both mesoscale and global applications are presented.