Improve bone age assessment by learning from anatomical local regions

by   Dong Wang, et al.

Skeletal bone age assessment (BAA), as an essential imaging examination, aims at evaluating the biological and structural maturation of human bones. In the clinical practice, Tanner and Whitehouse (TW2) method is a widely-used method for radiologists to perform BAA. The TW2 method splits the hands into Region Of Interests (ROI) and analyzes each of the anatomical ROI separately to estimate the bone age. Because of considering the analysis of local information, the TW2 method shows accurate results in practice. Following the spirit of TW2, we propose a novel model called Anatomical Local-Aware Network (ALA-Net) for automatic bone age assessment. In ALA-Net, anatomical local extraction module is introduced to learn the hand structure and extract local information. Moreover, we design an anatomical patch training strategy to provide extra regularization during the training process. Our model can detect the anatomical ROIs and estimate bone age jointly in an end-to-end manner. The experimental results show that our ALA-Net achieves a new state-of-the-art single model performance of 3.91 mean absolute error (MAE) on the public available RSNA dataset. Since the design of our model is well consistent with the well recognized TW2 method, it is interpretable and reliable for clinical usage.


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