Knowledge-wh and False Belief Sensitivity: A Logical Study (An Extended Abstract)

by   Yuanzhe Yang, et al.

In epistemic logic, a way to deal with knowledge-wh is to interpret them as a kind of mention-some knowledge (MS-knowledge). But philosophers and linguists have challenged both the sufficiency and necessity of such an account: some argue that knowledge-wh has, in addition to MS-knowledge, also a sensitivity to false belief (FS); others argue that knowledge-wh might only imply mention-some true belief (MS-true belief). In this paper, we offer a logical study for all these different accounts. We apply the technique of bundled operators, and introduce four different bundled operators: [𝗍𝖑^π™Όπš‚]^x Ο• := βˆƒ x ([𝖑]Ο•βˆ§Ο•), [𝗍𝖑^π™Όπš‚_π™΅πš‚]^x Ο• := βˆƒ x ([𝖑]Ο•βˆ§Ο•) βˆ§βˆ€ x ([𝖑]Ο•β†’Ο•), [π–ͺ^π™Όπš‚]^x Ο• := βˆƒ x [π–ͺ]Ο• and [π–ͺ^π™Όπš‚_π™΅πš‚]^x Ο• := βˆƒ x [π–ͺ]Ο•βˆ§βˆ€ x ([𝖑]Ο•β†’Ο•), which characterize the notions of MS-true belief, MS-true belief with FS, MS-knowledge and MS-knowledge with FS respectively. We axiomatize the four logics which take the above operators (as well as [π–ͺ]) as primitive modalities on the class of S4.2-constant-domain models, and compare the patterns of reasoning in the obtained logics, in order to show how the four accounts of knowledge-wh differ from each other, as well as what they have in common.


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