Logics for Epistemic Actions: Completeness, Decidability, Expressivity

by   Alexandru Baltag, et al.

We consider dynamic versions of epistemic logic as formulated in Baltag and Moss "Logics for epistemic programs" (2004). That paper proposed a logical language (actually families of languages parameterized by action signatures) for dynamic epistemic logic. It had been shown that validity in the language is Pi-1-1-complete, so there are no recursively axiomatized complete logical systems for it. In contrast, this paper proves a weak completeness result for the fragment without action iteration, and a strong completeness result for the fragment without action iteration and common knowledge. Our work involves a detour into term rewriting theory. The argument uses modal filtration, and thus we obtain the finite model property and hence decidability. We also give a translation of our largest language into PDL, thereby obtaining a second proof of decidability. The paper closes with some results on expressive power. These are mostly concerned with comparing the action-iteration-free language with modal logic augmented by transitive closure operators. We answer a natural question about the languages we obtain by varying the action signature: we prove that a logical language with operators for private announcements is more expressive than one for public announcements.


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