Maintaining Exact Distances under Multiple Edge Failures

by   Ran Duan, et al.

We present the first compact distance oracle that tolerates multiple failures and maintains exact distances. Given an undirected weighted graph G = (V, E) and an arbitrarily large constant d, we construct an oracle that given vertices u, v ∈ V and a set of d edge failures D, outputs the exact distance between u and v in G - D (that is, G with edges in D removed). Our oracle has space complexity O(d n^4) and query time d^O(d). Previously, there were compact approximate distance oracles under multiple failures [Chechik, Cohen, Fiat, and Kaplan, SODA'17; Duan, Gu, and Ren, SODA'21], but the best exact distance oracles under d failures require essentially Ω(n^d) space [Duan and Pettie, SODA'09]. Our distance oracle seems to require n^Ω(d) time to preprocess; we leave it as an open question to improve this preprocessing time.


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