Maximum Weighted Matching with Few Edge Crossings for 2-Layered Bipartite Graph

by   Kazuya Haraguchi, et al.

Let c denote a non-negative constant. Suppose that we are given an edge-weighted bipartite graph G=(V,E) with its 2-layered drawing and a family X of intersecting edge pairs. We consider the problem of finding a maximum weighted matching M* such that each edge in M* intersects with at most c other edges in M*, and that all edge crossings in M* are contained in X. In the present paper, we propose polynomial-time algorithms for the problem for c=1 and 2. The time complexities of the algorithms are O((k+m)log n) for c=1 and O(m^4log n+k^3+n(k^2+log n)) for c=2, respectively, where n=|V|, m=|E| and k=|X|.


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