Medical Graphs in Patient Information Systems in Primary Care

by   Thea Hvalen Thodesen, et al.

Graphs are very effective tools in visualizing information and are used in many fields including the medical field. In most developing countries primary care, graphs are used to monitor child growth. These measures are therefore often displayed using line graphs, basing it on three indicators (stunting, underweight and wasting) based on the WHO 2006 Child Growth Standard. Most literature on information visualization of electronic health record data focuses on aggregate data visualization tools. This research therefore, was set out to provide such an overview of requirements for computerized graphs for individual patient data, implemented in a way that all kinds of medical graphs showing the development of medical measures over time can be displayed. This research was interpretive, using a user-centric approach for data collection where interviews and web search was used to ensure that the graphs developed are fit the user requirements. This followed prototype development using one of the three free, open source software libraries for Android that were evaluated. The prototype was then used to refine the user requirements. The health workers interpreted the graphs developed flawlessly.


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