Metric Search for Rank List Compatibility Matching with Applications

by   Wenqi Guo, et al.

As online dating has become more popular in the past few years, an efficient and effective algorithm to match users is needed. In this project, we proposed a new dating matching algorithm that uses Kendall-Tau distance to measure the similarity between users based on their ranking for items in a list. (e.g., their favourite sports, music, etc.) To increase the performance of the search process, we applied a tree-based searching structure, Cascading Metric Tree (CMT), on this metric. The tree is built on ranked lists from all the users; when a query target and a radius are provided, our algorithm can return users within the radius of the target. We tested the scaling of this searching method on a synthetic dataset by varying list length, population size, and query radius. We observed that the algorithm is able to query the best matching people for the user in a practical time, given reasonable parameters. We also provided potential future improvements that can be made to this algorithm based on the limitations. Finally, we offered more use cases of this search structure on Kendall-Tau distance and new insight into real-world applications of distance search structures.


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